Do you understand the application of nickel plating processing?
Release time:2023-09-12

Nickel plating processing refers to the method of plating a layer of nickel on a metal or some non-metals, called nickel plating. Nickel plating is in the electrolyte composed of nickel salt (called the main salt), conductive salt, pH buffer, wetting agent, anode metal nickel, cathode for electroplating parts, through direct current, deposited on the cathode (electroplating parts) on a uniform, dense nickel plating layer. Bright nickel is obtained from the plating solution with brightener, while dark nickel is obtained from the electrolyte without brightener.

Application of nickel plating processing

Nickel plating has a wide range of applications, and can be used as a protective decorative coating. On the surface of steel, zinc die casting, aluminum alloy and copper alloy, it can protect the base material from corrosion or play a bright decorative role; It is also often used as an intermediate coating of other electrodeposits, on which a thin layer of chromium is plated, or a layer of imitation gold is plated, which has better corrosion resistance and more beautiful appearance.

In terms of functional applications, nickel plating can be applied to parts in special industries about 1~3mm thick to achieve the purpose of repair. In particular, it is widely used in continuous casting mold, die casting mold of electronic components, die casting mold of alloy, aerospace engine parts with complex shape and micro electronic components.